The Rich Heritage of the
Tech Ridge Mesa
History has prepared the Tech Ridge mesa for what it has and will become, from its rock-solid formation millennia ago, to the pioneering spirit that enabled modern use. As Tech Ridge, this treasured site will continue to serve St. George as a center of innovation for generations to come.
Tech Ridge History
The mesa’s natural inverted topography made it ideal for an airport, and the St. George Municipal Airport was dedicated here in 1940. At the time, building an airport at this location was a bold move, but one that served St. George well for many years.
Two runways begin operation with a windsock and beacon light
First airmail arrives in St. George;
outgoing airmail is delivered to the airport on horseback
Municipal airport is dedicated, runway is blacktopped, small terminal constructed
First passenger flights between St. George and Salt Lake City
Modern Regional airport terminal is built
Airport terminal is enlarged
Municipal airport is closed; new regional airport opened at current location
The former airport property once known as the “Ridgetop Complex” was pegged for redevelopment as homes, schools, and retail. But with that airport now closed, city leaders began to reinvision their plans for this striking mesa into a walkable community of high-tech businesses, shops, restaurants, and living space called TechRidge.
Mesa property used for concerts, races, firefighter and EMT training, trails, etc.
Mesa property used for concerts, races, firefighter and EMT training, trails, etc.
Dixie Tech builds out and uses existing airport terminal buildings while building new facility
The site is rezoned in
preparation for redevelopment
Developers are invited to submit RFQs for a development project on this property
Tech Ridge LLC is awarded the right to development this unique piece of property on this mesa.;

Development agreement finalized
with Tech Ridge, LLC
Vasion (formerly PrinterLogic) breaks ground on new building
busybusy relocates to
existing renovated hangar space
Vasion moves into new Tech Ridge building
Zonos begins operations in renovated FedEx hangar while awaiting new construction
Construction on the Pavilion begins, positioned near the Vasion and soon-to-be SkyView and Intergalactic buildings
Construction begins on the Container Park, to be used as a temporary structure for companies like Tech Ridge Management, Zonos, busybusy, Awardco, and Digivoice
The Container Park will be used while the new SkyView building is constructed
Geological Formation
Mesas are some of the most show-stopping natural features of the St. George area. Rising from the middle of our city, the TechRidge mesa is one of the most stunning.
It was formed between 2.3 million to 20,000 years ago, as lava from small volcanoes flowed into lower-lying valleys. The lava flows cooled and hardened into black lava rock called basalt, which now tops the mesa.
Because basalt is less prone to erosion than sandstone and shale, thousands of years of erosion lowered the surrounding red rock to become the new valley floor. This left the basalt-crested mesas standing higher than their surroundings.

One Bold Move Deserves Another
TechRidge is an evolution of the pioneering path Southern Utahns have traveled for 150 years. Click here to learn more about what’s happening now.

2021 ® TechRidge, LLC
475 S. Donlee Dr.
St. George Utah 84770